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//Interacting with fragments of desire. O desejo no portugues. 

Manual stich as a meditation, a practice of intention: to create gelatine fibers or malleable bones. Ones that can be shaped and staged according to some kind of need for resistance.


An attempt to protect.

Theres a large piece of crust.

An oversized quilt exposing ones inflamated mesh. 

Within its organic lines, common marks announce soft grounds. 

An attempt to create structure.

Multiple molds, casts, spines and skins.


A cycle with ends.

Pulverizing little structures

Nascer de jeito que dá pra fazer

Symbolic spaces of body and birth


Labirynthic plexus of textille and tissue

An end.//

Luiza was initiated in the practice of embroidery by women who raised her. She works with textile craft through a queerfeminist perspective. Creating cloth capsules for symbolic rituals of empowerment and care.


The performer will activate her installation “Sede Óssea” through dance among mixed medium interferences that will expose a charged net between worn and hanged works. 

In state of dynamic nurturing. The performance combines poetry reading and movement with sharp elements, unveiling core structures of the patched installation. 

Video by Lily Zlotover

Presented at Vienna Art Week 2022House of Chalenging Orders

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